Insane Laravel blade tip

Ahmed Muhammady
2 min readNov 26, 2022


Welcome Laravelians ,

This blade tip is insane for me so I wanna tell you what Im doing ,

For some reason the blade looping directives is not always the best choice , because it has some helper methods and properties which you can use like $loop & first() & last() .. you know ,

You don’t always need this helpers in your loop so here is a trick I’m doing it in any of my Laravel projects ,

So the trick is that um creating a new blade directive and call it ( @loop ) for example or you can call it anything you love,

So for example instead of add the Blade::directive() function into the AppServiceProvider , Im creating new service provider for all my blade directives so lets do this run this command for creating new service provider

php artisan make:provider BladeDirectiveServiceProvider

Now in your new service provider you’d notice that there is the default two methods “ register() & boot() “

So now lets dig into the boot method and define our new ( @loop ) directive

Now after creating our new directive lets register it in our config/app.php and go to “ providers ” group and register the new directive like :


'providers' => [

// .....


Now you can go to any of your blade file and loop through array with our new blade directive

@loop($users as $user)

// Manipulating data


Thanks Laravelians and wait for another awesome articles ❤



Ahmed Muhammady
Ahmed Muhammady

Written by Ahmed Muhammady

Hello, I am Ahmed Muhammady I’m a senior Software Engineer .

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